Ground meat
Wotkins Beef pork minced meat 17% 50/50 2kg/vac chilled
Product code: 800706Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg -
Familia Pro Lamb minced meat 75/25 20x1kg frozen NZ
Product code: 564038Country of origin: New ZealandSelling Unit: box -
Metsäranta Deer minced meat ap 1kg chilled
Product code: 800765Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg -
Wotkin's Beef minced meat <10%
Product code: 800711Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg -
Wotkin's Beef minced meat 20% rough
Product code: 800825Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg -
Wotkin's Beef minced meat 17% 2kg/vac chilled
Product code: 800805Country of origin: FinlandSelling Unit: kg